Studium und Lehre31. Oktober 2024|AuszeichnungGAP-Essaypreis 2024Foto: GAPDie Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie e.V. (GAP) und die Grazer Philosophischen Studien vergeben jährlich an Studierende und Absolvent:innen...13. August 2024|EventMaimonides Lecture on Scepticism (Anat Schechtman)Foto: UHH/SUB HHWe would like to invite you to a Maimonides Lecture on Scepticism on Tuesday, 13 August 2024, at 16:00. Anat Schechtman (University of Texas at...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events30. Juli 2024|Studium und LehreFirst Generation Stammtisch im SoSe 24Foto: Enrique Lopez Garre / PixabayLiebe Studierende und Mitglieder des Fachbereichs Philosophie, wir laden Euch auch in diesem Semester zum First Generation Stammtisch ein!21. Juli 2024|MCAS - EventsConference: The Significance of Scepticism in Philosophy, Judaism, and CultureFoto: UHHDate21–24 July 2024 Abstract The value of scepticism in philosophy has been judged differently: while Pyrrhonist sceptics conceived of scepticism as a...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events16. Juli 2024|MCAS - EventsSummer School: The Significance of Scepticism in Philosophy, Judaism, and CultureFoto: UHHDate and Place16–19 July 2024 in Hamburg, Germany Topic and PurposeThe value of scepticism in philosophy has been judged in different ways throughout...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events10. Mai 2024|VeranstaltungYOUNG MINDS: A Conference on Philosophy and Marginalized IdentitiesFoto: Fabiola KaiserWir – der FSR Philosophie – möchten euch alle herzlich einladen, zu unserer selbst organisierten und vom Gleichstellungsfonds finanzierten...9. Mai 2024|MCAS - Events18-19 June, Workshop "Questioning Authority"Foto: Credit: Hamburg, The Hamburg State and University Library Carl von Ossietzky, Cod. hebr. 280a, 1rKabbalah between Dialectical Disputes, Religious Dissent, and Proto-Academic Scholarship in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Date18-19 June 2024 Conve...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events25. April 2024|Event14-15 May, Workshop "Breaking Idols, Embracing Doubts"Foto: iStock/morkemanWe would like to invite you to the workshop "Breaking Idols, Embracing Doubts From idolatrous to Sceptical Attitudes". It will take place on 14 and...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events23. April 2024|JobsCall for Applications: Research Associate for the Project “PESHAT in Context”Foto: UHH/EsfandiariInstitution: Faculty of Humanities, Department of Religions, Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion Salary level: EGR. 13 TV-L Start date...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Jobs17. April 2024|VeranstaltungÖffentliche Ringvorlesung des Philosophischen Seminars: 300 Jahre Immanuel KantFoto: geht es zur aktuellen Ringvorlesung: 300 Jahre Immanuel Kant.22. März 2024|EventApril 9, 2024 – Maimonides Lecture on Scepticism (Marcin Wodziński )Foto: UHH/SUB HHWe would like to invite you to a Maimonides Lecture on Scepticism on Tuesday, 09 April 2024, at 18:00. Marcin Wodziński (University of Wrocław) will...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events29. Februar 2024|Academic Affairs16–19 July 2024 – Summer School: The Significance of Scepticism in Philosophy, Judaism, and CultureFoto: UHH/MCASCall for Applications – Summer School THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SCEPTICISM IN PHILOSOPHY, JUDAISM, AND CULTURE _____ 16–19 July 2024 Hamburg, Germany...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Academic Affairs19. Februar 2024|Workshop19–21 August 2024, WorkshopFoto: UHH/MCASMaimonides Mentoring and Networking Workshop Academic and Professional Support for Early Career Women* in Jewish Studies and Philosophy 19–21 August...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events23. Januar 2024|EventMaimonides Lecture on Scepticism (Rebekka Voß)Foto: UHH/SUB HHWe would like to invite you to a Maimonides Lecture on Scepticism on Tuesday, 23 January 2024, at 18:00. Rebekka Voß (Frankfurt am Main) will talk...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events16. November 2023|International AffairsWe express our solidarity with the people of Israel in this difficult time. We condemn any acts of extremism that lead to injustice and hope that a just peace can be achieved as soon as possible.Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events14. November 2023|EventMaimonides Lecture on Scepticism (Elliot Wolfson)Foto: UHH/SUB HHWe would like to invite you to a Maimonides Lecture on Scepticism on Tuesday, 14 November 2023, at 18:00. Elliot Wolfson (UC Santa Barbara) will talk...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events24. Oktober 2023|EventAnnual Lecture 2023Foto: UHH/SUB HHWe would like to invite you to MCAS's Annual Lecture on 24 October 2023, at 18:00. Irene Zwiep (University of Amsterdam) will talk about...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events10. Oktober 2023|Studium und LehrePräsentation Orientierungseinheit WiSe 23/24Foto: UHHLiebe Studierende, die Präsentationen zum Studienaufbau des Haupt- und Nebenfachs Philosophie aus der Orientierungseinheit zum WiSe 23/24 finden Sie...28. Juni 2023|EventWorkshopFoto: SUB/UHHWe would like to invite you to a workshop on "Faith, Scepticism, and Human-Animal Boundaries in Jewish and Christian Religious Cultures." It will take...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events21. Juni 2023|EventMaimonides Lecture on Scepticism (Michael Brenner)Foto: UHH/SUB HHWe would like to invite you to a Maimonides Lecture on Scepticism on Tuesday, 11 July 2023, at 18:00. Michael Brenner (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - EventsZum Archiv