Dr. Michael Oliva Córdoba
Photo: UHH/privat
Research Associate
History of philosophy
University of Hamburg
Faculty of Humanities
Department of Philosophy
Institute of Philosophy
Von-Melle-Park 6, Postbox #4
20146 Hamburg
Room: 12th floor, Room B12013
Office hours
By appointment per email
Tel: +49 40 428 38 - 3526
Fax: +49 40 428 38 - 3983
Key aspects of activity
- Analytic action theory
- Philosophy of the 19th & 20th century
- Political philosophy
Curriculum Vitae
since 2017 | Research Associate, Department of Philosophy, University of Hamburg (postdoc, permanent) |
Summer term 2017 | Visiting lecturer in praxeology in the master's programme in Entrepreneurial Economics (M.Sc.) at the BiTS Business and Information Technology School, Berlin |
2007 - 2017 | Scientific Co-ordinator, Department of Philosophy, University of Hamburg |
2003 - 2007 | Officer / head of planning, Department of Philosophy, University of Hamburg |
2000 | Doctorate in philosophy, dissertation: Sense and Incompleteness. Aspects of the Semantics of Descriptions [in German] |
2000 - 2002 | Temporary lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Hamburg |
1996 - 2000 | Research stipendiary, Doctoral programme in cognitive science, University of Hamburg |
1995 | Magister Artium, master's thesis: Erkenntniswert and cognitive value [in German] |
1994 - 1996 | Editor / head of music, Klassik-Radio GmbH & Co. KG |
1987 - 1994 | Study of philosophy, English language and literature, social anthropology and education, University of Hamburg |
Areas of Specialization
- Analytic action theory
- Philosophy of the 19th & 20th century
- Political philosophy
- Philosophy of language
Courses taught
Unless otherwise noted all courses taught in German
Semester | Level | Subject |
SS 2025 | Intermediate | The Classics explained: Quine on what there is |
SS 2025 | Intermediate | Davidson: Actions, Reasons, and Causes |
SS 2025 | Intermediate | Isaiah Berlin: Two concepts of liberty |
SS 2025 | Advanced | Bloomfield & Copp: Moral Realism |
SS 2025 | Advanced | Keil: Free Will |
WS 2024/25 | Intermediate | Ernst: Moral relativism |
WS 2024/25 | Intermediate | The Classics explained: Frege on Sense and Reference |
WS 2024/25 | Advanced | Essays on Anscombe's Intention |
WS 2024/25 | Advanced | Affirmative action and equality of opportunity |
WS 2024/25 | Advanced | De-nationalisation and social self-regulation |
SS 2024 | Intermediate | The Classics explained: Kripke on Names and Possible Worlds |
SS 2024 | Intermediate | Davies & Harrigan: Cooperation and Coercion |
SS 2024 | Advanced | Sowell: Social Justice Fallacies |
SS 2024 | Advanced | Nagel: The view from nowhere |
WS 2023/24 | Intermediate | The Classics explained: Russell's Theory of Descriptions |
WS 2023/24 | Intermediate | Beckerman/Pasek: Justice, Posterity, and the Environment |
WS 2023/24 | Advanced | Judith Jarvis Thomson: A Defense of Abortion |
WS 2023/24 | Advanced | Prinz: Wanting, Believing, and Acting |
SS 2023 | Intermediate | John Locke: Two Treatises of Government |
SS 2023 | Intermediate | Elizabeth Anderson: What is the point of equality? |
SS 2023 | Advanced | Philosophical aspects of reading law |
SS 2023 | Advanced | Alfred Mele: Motivation - Essentially Motivation-Constituting Attitudes |
WS 2022/23 | Research colloquium | Agent, Promise, and Obligation [with Rolf W. Puster] |
WS 2022/23 | Intermediate | W.V.O. Quine: Reference and modality |
WS 2022/23 | Intermediate | Carl Menger: Value and valuing |
WS 2022/23 | Advanced | The agent and the state: Individual agency and the limits of state action |
WS 2022/23 | Advanced | Mind and world: The horrors of Parmenides |
WS 2022/23 | Advanced | Of the possibility of moral subjectivism |
SS 2022 | Intermediate | Outlines of a theory of action |
SS 2022 | Intermediate | Hobbes: Leviathan |
SS 2022 | Advanced | Consent, trust, and opinion with regard to the body politic |
SS 2022 | Advanced | Subjectivity and objectivity |
SS 2022 | Advanced | Action, scarcity, and future generations [in English] |
WS 2021/22 | Intermediate | Varieties of correspondence |
WS 2021/22 | Intermediate | Acting under duress |
WS 2021/22 | Advanced | Rethinking inequality: Individuality and the common good (in English) |
WS 2021/22 | Advanced | Hobbes: On the citizen (De cive) |
WS 2021/22 | Advanced | Cause and influence: Hume and others on causal explanation |
SS 2021 | Intermediate | Thomas Nagel: What is it like to be a bat? |
SS 2021 | Intermediate | From Individual to Plural Agency |
SS 2021 | Advanced | Freedom and the Welfare State (Hayek: The Constitution of Liberty, Part III) (in English) |
SS 2021 | Advanced | Thomas Hobbes: Elemements of Law (1640) |
SS 2021 | Advanced | Kazimierz Twardowski: On the Content and Object of Presentations (1894) |
WS 2020/21 | Intermediate | Semantics and Ontology |
WS 2020/21 | Intermediate | Frankfurt: The problem of action |
WS 2020/21 | Intermediate | Discrimination and Disparities |
WS 2020/21 | Advanced | Hayek: Freedom and the Law (The Constitution of Liberty, Part II) (in English) |
WS 2020/21 | Advanced | Micro-philosophical foundations of competition (or: economics) (in English) |
WS 2020/21 | Advanced | Twardowski: On the Content and Object of Presentations |
SS 2020 | Advanced | Hayek: The Value of Freedom (The Constitution of Liberty, Part I) (in English) |
WS 2019/20 | Intermediate | The problem of moral obligation |
WS 2019/20 | Advanced | Semantics and pragmatics |
WS 2019/20 | Advanced | The paradox of analysis |
SS 2019 | Intermediate | Foundations of action theory |
SS 2019 | Advanced | Capitalism - nature and problems |
WS 2018/19 | Intermediate | Moral disagreement |
WS 2018/19 | Advanced | The concert of the just price: Theory and application |
WS 2018/19 | Advanced | Searle: Intentionality |
SS 2018 | Advanced | Mally: The Basic Laws of Ought: Elements of the Logic of Willing |
SS 2018 | Advanced | Theory of proper names |
SS 2018 | Advanced | Kukathas: The Liberal Archipelago |
WS 2017/18 | Advanced | Analytic praxeology [in English] |
WS 2017/18 | Advanced | Frankfurt on equality |
SS 2017 | Intermediate | Frege: "On sense and reference" |
SS 2017 | Advanced | Coercion and subjectivity |
WS 2016/17 | Intermediate | Williams: "Internal and external reasons" |
WS 2016/17 | Advanced | Action and freedom |
WS 2016/17 | Advanced | Contractualism |
SS 2016 | Intermediate | The problem of universals |
SS 2016 | Advanced | Wanting, believing, and doing |
WS 2015/16 | Intermediate | Outlines of Pyrrhonian Scepticism |
WS 2015/16 | Advanced | Austin: "A Plea for Excuses" |
WS 2015/16 | Advanced | von Wright: Explanation and Understanding |
SS 2015 | Intermediate | Ethics and law |
SS 2015 | Advanced | Frankfurt: "Freedom of the Will and the concept of a person" |
WS 2014/15 | Intermediate | John Locke: Two Treatises on Government |
WS 2014/15 | Advanced | Donald Davidson: "Freedom to Act" |
WS 2014/15 | Advanced | W.V.O. Quine: "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" |